Friday, February 17, 2012

DIY Lamp Decoration with yarn!

This is my new project of decorating my IKEA plain blank nothing zero lamp!

Decorating a lamp has been a challenge for me. After doing a lot of research, a lot of decoration ideas involve many unfamiliar chemicals and might be harmful to my baby. And I don't really have time to research all the differences between those chemicals to choose which one is safe for my baby. 

How about lace? Yeah, lace is beautiful, but it's time consuming. (I spent one night to finish a 10 cm lace. 10cm!) However, with regular yarn and a size G hook, I can finish decorating the whole lamp just in one night!
(Approximate 48 inches lace needed for this project.)

If you are interested in this lace, you can visit my Etsy store!

1 comment:

  1. 我觉得只有外国的代孕是可以尝试的,且合法及公道的只有这家代孕机构了彼奥泰珂斯研究中心,他们可是提供非常完整的服务,每一个细节都做得非常好,诊所也有一个广泛的捐助者数据库,满足客户们的所有个性化需求,也可签100%的成功配套,非常的值得,想要有孩子的你还等什么呢,快来询问他们吧。 Biotex (彼奥泰珂斯)
